Product Development Pros Pass along Tips to Innovate
Two experts in product development, G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Viton have compiled a list of Six Innovation Secrets Your Boss Never Told You, originally posted in the Bloomberg Businessweek. Here are a few choice suggestions.
- Team building works differently from idea building. Vetting ideas by committee may be counterproductive. The idea is likely to die a death by 1,000 cuts.
- Experts in your industry often know too much. “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” The myopic view of Harry Warner, one of the founding Warner Brothers, in 1927, demonstrates the downside to working with industry experts — years of past experience may inhibit their ability to think forward.
- Invent when you are most inventive. Professional trainers track the exercise regimens of athletes so they can push harder at the right time to achieve peak performance. You can do the same thing with your brain.
- Plan B is often better than Plan A. Don’t throw out the business plan, but in a world that has grown increasingly unpredictable, you will need to be flexible in adapting the plan to the task at hand.
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