OSU Names Entrepreneurship Center in honor of Rich Langdale - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

OSU Names Entrepreneurship Center in honor
of Rich Langdale

The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business has named its Academy for Technology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization in honor of Rich Langdale, an entrepreneur, angel investor, Fisher faculty member and New Albany resident.

Twelve years ago, Langdale and Michael Camp helped to establish what was then called the Center for Entrepreneurship where Camp is the current executive director. Langdale was also instrumental in the development of entrepreneurship curriculum with faculty. He taught undergraduate, MBA and Executive MBA courses in entrepreneurship and helped launch Ohio State’s Business Builders Club.

“You always believed that to really help the entrepreneur, we needed to make accessible to the entrepreneur some structure, some curriculum, some great teachers and what you called access to smart people and smart capital,” said Christine A. Poon, Fisher’s Dean and John W. Berry, Sr. Chair in Business. “We are here to thank and recognize Rich for his passion for entrepreneurship, his boundless creativity and energy.”

Langdale, managing partner and co-founder of NCT, a venture capital company that invests in early and early growth stage businesses in marketing, logistics and technology, was featured in a Innovate New Albany Q&A.

Read more at fisher.osu.edu/newsroom.

Innovate New Albany, the city’s incubator for technology startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses, features 16,000 square feet of space within the New Albany Business Park’s Signature Office Building, 8000 Walton Parkway.

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