Category: business Incubators

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Google Employee Brings SEM Insights to Columbus

Kelley Swart, a former Googler with first-hand experience at the number one search engine has set up shop at Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s incubator for technology startups. What does eMarketing Group...

business, business Incubators, Innovate New Albany, incubators, small business, startups, technology

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Q&A with Fred Miller II, Seicon Limited

Adapting technology to market needs Fred Miller II, partner and vice president of strategy at Seicon Limited, was drawn to the startup by the endless commercial applications that its technology,...

award, business, business Incubators, In the News, Innovate New Albany, incubators, startups, technology

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Q & A with Carol Clark, X Squared Angels

What is X Squared Angels? When did you start it? We held our first members’ investment meeting in. We have 16 accredited investor members. We hope to have 25 by...

business, business Incubators, development, entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, innovation, Uncategorized