Category: community

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Make a Social Impact at GiveBackHack (for free!)

Have you ever had an idea to solve an issue in our community? Buckeye Interactive is sending 10 inspired developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to GiveBackHack April 17-19. Tell the Buckeye...

community, event, opportunity

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Columbus Ranked #1 on Forbes Opportunity Cities List

In case you missed it last month, Forbes ranked Columbus Ohio #1 Best Opportunity City in the US. Forbes and Sperling’s analysis took a lot of data into consideration, including...

business, community, economic development, startups

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Applying “Athlete-Centered” Coaching to Business Management

Coaching a team of any kind requires that the coach learn how to best provide skills and motivation to his/her team, and to strategically provide them based on how the...

business, community, innovation