Category: education

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

TIGER Talk Recap: Reinvent Yourself and Your Company every 3.5 Years

Most business owners would tell you that the key challenge of running their business is keeping their business afloat. Managing a roller coaster economy, constant change and day-to-day crises makes...

business, development, education, entrepreneur, innovation

Lifelong Learning: The Essential Habit Entrepreneurs Need to be Prepared for Future Trends

This post will speak the loudest to those who identify as: Early adopters Futurists Those who believe education and credential-seeking are definitely NOT the same thing People who consider soft...

business, development, education, entrepreneur

Everyone Has to Start Somewhere. The Starting Line Puts ‘Somewhere’ on the Map.

I’m a young entrepreneur in Columbus, Ohio. Given the current ecosystem, that’s actually a pretty mighty combination. Ohio is the best state in the country if you’re looking to start...

business, business Incubators, community, education, entrepreneur, event, innovation, news, opportunity, startups

Your Business Culture, Vision, Strategy, & Tactics: Leveraging an Education-Centric Organization

Chances are, if you’re reading this post, you’re probably the founder of a startup, an established business owner, or a hobbyist who wants a cash flow positive entrepreneurial venture. On...

education, human resources, small business

How Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals Can Redefine Success as a Soft Skill

Success: We have all heard this word from our earliest days as children; the drumbeat of how often it has arisen in conversation, in the written word, and even as...

business, education, entrepreneur, innovation