Category: Uncategorized

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Buddy Up For Life Helps Individuals with Down Syndrome Across the US

As New Albany has progressed over the past 15 years, the non-profit, Buddy Up For Life, has progressed with it. It was founded in 2008 by Beth Gibson, a recent...

Graduates, Residents, Uncategorized

Stay Tuned Another Incubation Success Story

Check back soon to read another inspiring story!



TIGER Talk Recap: The Titanic Syndrome Killed Many Companies. Are You Next?

The “death rate” of many companies is staggering. With 88% of Fortune 500 companies going out of business over the last 60 years, 50% of S&P companies gone in 10...


TIGER Talk Recap: 2020 Technology Outlook

For the fourth year in a row, Brad Griffith of Buckeye Interactive, brought his experience and insights from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to Innovate New Albany. During the...


TIGER Talk Recap: Cash Flow Forecasting: Show Me the Money

Whether you’re running a successful business or launching a new one, you need to know how to track and anticipate your business’s cash flow. Using a simple cash flow forecast,...


Powering Up: The Mind Follows The Body

Successful networking starts with a great mindset. After all, from the moment you walk into a room, others are assessing your confidence, optimism, level of happiness, and much, much more....


TIGER Talk Recap: Sustainable Innovation Strategies for Corporate Transformation

Most CEOs understand that corporations need to innovate to stay competitive and are willing to invest in innovation to see results. But many widely adopted innovation strategies are not successful...


Tapping into Dormant Ties: Reclaiming Lost Networking Potential

When people think of networking, they view it as mainly being about meeting new people. This is somewhat accurate. While you have a stable amount of people you already know...


TIGER Talk Recap: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You — Best Practices for High Growth Businesses

As more and more data is generated in your growing business, it becomes increasingly important for that data to be organized and protected. It is our responsibility as business owners...


TIGER Talk Recap: The Power of Peers

New business owners may sometimes feel like they don’t know what they are doing, that they are winging it, or that they aren’t sure how to handle certain situations. They...
