Category: Uncategorized

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Dancing Powers Interactive Stage

A new stage in France gives new meaning to the phrase “Trip the Light Fantastic.” In fact, this futuristic, interactive stage built for the French EDM festival, Nuit Sonores, uses...

development, event, innovation, technology, Uncategorized

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Green Packaging Targets Eco-Conscious Shoppers

Each year, more than 70 million tons of packaging is thrown out, much of it ending up in landfills where it accounts for 70 percent of all trash. Now, companies...

business, development, innovation, Uncategorized

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Q & A with Carol Clark, X Squared Angels

What is X Squared Angels? When did you start it? We held our first members’ investment meeting in. We have 16 accredited investor members. We hope to have 25 by...

business, business Incubators, development, entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, innovation, Uncategorized

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TechColumbus Showcases New Albany Startups

For the first time in 17 years, the TechColumbus 2012 Innovation Awards program combined its annual reception with a unique opportunity for startups and research innovators to share their work...

business, development, entrepreneur, event, In the News, innovation, news, technology, Uncategorized

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Sarcom Expands Operations in New Albany

Sarcom, Inc., a company that provides total IT lifecycle management and is ranked among the top 100 managed service providers in the world, has announced plans to build a 20,000-square-foot...

business, business clusters, development, news, technology, Uncategorized

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Columbus Kitchen Incubator to Open Soon

A warehouse in the Franklinton district of Columbus, just west of Downtown, will soon be home to aspiring entrepreneurs with an appetite for food-related businesses. The opportunity to test recipes...


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Q & A with Michael Medors
On drug discovery, recruiting talent and New Albany

Michael Medors, founder and chief financial officer of Venture Therapeutics, a new pharmaceutical and biotechnology research and development company that offers laboratory and manufacturing services focused on drug discovery and...

business, development, entrepreneur, innovation, Uncategorized

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New Albany Film Debuts at
Columbus Film Festival

In a short, stirring tribute to the city that they call home, two New Albany High School students, Kai Doran and Taylor Dorrell, shine a light on the many assets...


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e-Cycling and Financial Institution Support Children’s Hospital

Partnering with a prominent financial institution, New Albany’s e-Cycle was able to raise nearly $96,000, more than double the amount that it raised last year for the Levine Children’s Hospital,...

digital, entrepreneur, technology, Uncategorized

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

NASVF Conference Focuses on Advancing Innovation

More than 300 industry experts will gather in Cleveland next week for the 19th Annual NASVF Conference “Advancing Innovation: Seeding Tomorrow’s Opportunities.” Scheduled for October 15 to 17, the conference...

event, innovation, Uncategorized