Category: venture capital

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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OSU Names Entrepreneurship Center in honor
of Rich Langdale

The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business has named its Academy for Technology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization in honor of Rich Langdale, an entrepreneur, angel investor, Fisher faculty member and...

business, development, entrepreneur, innovation, press, technology, venture capital

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Michael Butler: The Challenges Entrepreneurs Face

NCT Ventures, a venture capital firm founded by entrepreneurs, is dedicated to turning entrepreneurial ideas into successful businesses. New Albany resident Michael Butler, a Venture Partner at NCT Ventures, has...

business, entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, startups, technology, venture capital

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TechColumbus Showcases Innovators and Innovations

Judging by the incredible talent showcased at TechColumbus’ annual 2012 Innovation Awards, Central Ohio and New Albany are hotbeds of innovation and entrepreneurship, from aspiring high school scientists to accomplished...

entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, technology, venture capital

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TechColumbus Puts Spotlight on Innovators

          TechColumbus, one of the nation’s top technology incubators, plans to put the spotlight on innovators at its annual TechColumbus Innovation Awards program on February 7...

entrepreneur, innovation, small business, startups, technology, venture capital

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New Albany Companies Named TechColumbus 2012 Innovation Award Finalists

      Five companies with ties to New Albany, including three businesses that got their start at Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s incubator for technology startups, are among the finalists for...

entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany, incubators, technology, venture capital

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Former Jobs Ohio Chief Still Bullish on Ohio

Mark Kvamme who recently left his post as president of Jobs Ohio, the state’s economic development enterprise, has launched a venture capital firm, Drive Capital, focused on the Midwest and,...

entrepreneur, startups, technology, venture capital

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2012 State of Incubation Report Released

The National Business Incubation Association has released the first update on the state of the incubation industry in five years. The 2012 State of the Business Incubation Industry, the latest...

award, business, development, incubators, startups, technology, venture capital

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Partnership Brings $15 Million to State’s Innovation Economy

A partnership between hospitals, universities, research institutions and state government has resulted in a $15.4 million investment in the continued growth of the region’s innovation economy. The Ohio Third Frontier...

entrepreneur, innovation, startups, technology, venture capital

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Chris Anderson: On the Impact of a Progressive Technology Incubator

Chris Anderson, director of venture acceleration at TechColumbus works closely with the technology businesses at New Albany’s incubator space, Inc@ 8000 by providing business development services, capital investment assistance, networking...

entrepreneur, incubators, startups, technology, venture capital