Design Outreach - Innovate New Albany

Design Outreach

Humanitarian Problem Solving Nonprofit

Design Outreach

Design Outreach (DO) is a Christian nonprofit organization 501(c)3 seeking to alleviate poverty by designing, manufacturing, and delivering scalable and sustainable appropriate technology. The majority of the world’s products are designed for the minority who live in developed countries. DO is able to assemble coalitions of industry, donor, academic, and nonprofit partners in order to commercialize products (as social enterprises) so they can make a significant impact on the world’s poverty challenges. DO’s technical and business workforce consists of subject matter expert volunteers that are eager to give their time for a worthy cause, but lack long-term relationships with international organizations and humanitarian engineering know-how.

DO’s current project began through their relationship with the community development Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Water for Good operating in the Central African Republic, where long-lasting hand pumps are desperately needed. Through the efforts of the dedicated team, DO is successfully completing the LifePumpTM total water solution. DO is currently piloting the LifePump with World Vision in Zambia, Kenya, and Malawi.

In general, projects arise from governmental organizations, NGOs, missionaries, corporations, universities, and various other sources. Each project is conducted through in-country stakeholders who know and understand the end users through long-term relationships. The metrics for sustainability and scalability include a comprehensive model with aspects such as affordability, usability, and ruggedness.

DO product development and operating funds come from various sources including grants, corporations, individuals, and successful products. Specifically, this includes raising funds from sponsors who are seeking opportunities in social responsibility. Corporations may also be interested in entering emerging developing country markets and desire humanitarian engineering consultants.

In the News

40 Under 40 Class of 2017: Greg Bixler, Co-Founder of Design Outreach
LifePump works to provide water to those in poverty

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Design Outreach


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