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Matchmaking Event Gives Small Businesses Access to New Clients

The Ohio Small Business Development Center is offering a unique event on Wednesday, March 23rd at the Wright State University’s Nutter Center in Dayton. The Ohio Business Matchmaker is where small businesses and government buyers of goods and services come together.

According to the SBDC’s website, “In 2010 more than 200 buyers were on hand for one-on-one meetings with small businesses. Buyers were from city, state, county, and federal agencies, as well as prime contractors and other organizations with combined purchasing budgets representing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of opportunities.

Small businesses, or “Sellers,” pre-register for the event as well, using their individual NAICS codes. (Identify your NAICS code(s) by searching keywords at Meetings last approximately 10 minutes, are on a first-come first-served basis, and present an opportunity for Buyers and Sellers to discuss each others’ specific projects and capabilities. There is also ample opportunity throughout the day to network with Buyers and Sellers.”

The on-line registration fee to attend is $50.00 per person, which includes a boxed lunch. Admission at the door will be $70. For more information, visit

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