New Albany executives, businesses and, even, a high school student, were among the winners and semi-finalists recently recognized during the annual TechColumbus Innovation Awards program. New Albany Plain Local High School senior Kate Miller received a High School Student Innovation Award from TechColumbus.
Among those recognized:
Executive of the Year, companies under 250 employees, semifinalist:
Brad Griffith, President, Buckeye Interactive
Brad Griffith is an engineer by education, specializing in web technologies. He takes pride in teaching and empowering clients to manage their own web presence with user-friendly technology, training, and ongoing service and support. With his unique combination of business strategy, web development and interactive marketing expertise, Brad has a proven expertise in web solutions with a significant return on investment. Buckeye Interactive provides web solutions for both large and small businesses that drive profitability, grow brand awareness and enhance customer service through user-friendly technology, basic and advanced training, and ongoing service and support.
Executive of the Year and Outstanding Startup Business semifinalist:
Jeff Lusenhop, Founder & CEO, Janova
Janova is a provider of web-based, automated testing software designed to streamline the cumbersome task of software development and implementation. Located in New Albany, Ohio, Janova’s offerings are based on years of experience consulting with companies who struggled to find an efficient way to test software. Leveraging the power of the Cloud, Janova’s offerings are English-based and easy to implement, with no equipment investment and nothing to download. Janova does not require a long-term commitment and offers free support with packages available to fit any size organization, from a single user up to the enterprise.
Outstanding Service, companies under 250 employees, semifinalist:
Founded by William R. Bennett, PTS Physicians primarily produces high quality benchmarks for hospital-owned physician practices. Anticipating changes in healthcare delivery in the U.S., several hospitals have acquired physician practices to be able to provide a continuum of care. A major problem faced by hospital administrators is the absence of trustworthy benchmarks to assess the performance of physician practices. PTS developed a process by which transaction level data are collected, cleaned, standardized, and used to generate benchmarks. The superiority of these benchmarks has been noticed by various hospitals and industry partners, which enabled us to sign up over 500 hospital-owned practices last year. PTS is also developing a major application that integrates physician data with hospital data, thus enabling further analysis to isolate the drivers of quality of care.
Outstanding Technology Team, semifinalist:
Matt Khojasteh, President & CEO and Sepi Jalali, COO, Softsyl
SoftSyl Technologies brings total end-to-end Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and telephony solutions to businesses and call centers of all sizes, in any industry. The company’s technology team has over 15 years of experience with designing and developing IVR systems for Fortune 500 companies. By leveraging this experience, SoftSyl Technologies has built an enterprise-class, cost-effective, proprietary platform that integrates with any IP phone system and at the same time maintains full industry compliance. The company eliminates multi-vendor dependency by offering analysis, design, development, deployment, and support for hosted and on-site solutions.
Outstanding Product, companies over 250 employees, semifinalist:
FlameTEK is a flame self-extinguishing interior trim product designed to solve the challenges faced by soldiers inside a military vehicle. It is the result of extensive research and development efforts of Commercial Vehicle Group, a leading supplier of fully integrated system solutions for the global commercial vehicle market, including the heavy-duty truck market, the construction and agriculture markets, the specialty and military transportation markets. FlameTEK forms a protected interior covering and shields the occupants from flames, toxic smoke inhalation, extensive noise and heat. It is ideally suited for all military, passenger bus, rail, aviation, marine and commercial vehicle applications.