Category: business clusters

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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New Links in Personal Care & Beauty Supply Chain

New Albany’s Personal Care and Beauty Innovation Campus has landed two new companies that represent different links in the rapidly-evolving, vertically-integrated supply chain campus that will enable consumer products to...

business clusters, development, news

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Q & A with Michael Marlowe

  On Art, Idea Density and Cloud Computing Michael Marlowe, president and co-founder of Bluemile, and Jaime Busic, CEO and co-founder, have built one of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies...

business, business clusters, entrepreneur, technology

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Accel Chief Advises on Federal Policies Affecting Women Business Owners

Tara Abraham, CEO of Accel Inc., one of the first companies to locate in New Albany’s Personal Care and Beauty Innovation Campus, has been appointed to a three-year term on...

business clusters, entrepreneur, news, press

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Read All About Us in Business First

The latest edition of Columbus Business First features a 20-page special supplement focused exclusively on the many assets that spur commerce in New Albany. Featuring articles on the community’s corporate...

business, business clusters, development, entrepreneur, In the News, news, technology

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Ohio’s Energy Hub Sparks Growth

  Designed to accelerate the pace of innovation and, ultimately, business development in advanced energy storage research, commercialization and manufacturing throughout the region, the Central Ohio Energy Manufacturing Solutions Hub...

business clusters, development, event, news, technology

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Pioneer in Single-Dose Packaging Knows Innovation

The Knowlton Development Corp. based in Quebec will be opening a manufacturing plant within New Albany’s personal care and beauty campus this year. A solutions provider for Fortune 500 personal...

business, business clusters, news, technology

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Integrated Innovation Hub Lures Personal Care and Beauty Businesses

The appeal of a highly-integrated supply chain hub designed to support companies within the personal care and beauty industry that can benefit from complementary capabilities and creative synergies has attracted...

business, business clusters, news

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Personal Care and Beauty Innovation Campus Spurs Growth

In an effort to spur growth and inspire synergies among similar business sectors, the Village of New Albany recently divided sections of its Business Park into Innovation Campuses and the...

business, business clusters, development, news

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Research and Information Innovation Campus Spurs Commerce

With the fiber optic network, redundant power and infrastructure in place, New Albany saw the opportunity to create a more specialized area of the New Albany Business Park to meet...

business, business clusters, development, technology, Uncategorized

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Business Clusters Inspire Entrepreneurship

California has wine country. Hollywood has film. Silicon Valley has technology. Now, New Albany is focusing on four business clusters currently taking root in the business park that are cultivating...

business clusters, entrepreneur, Uncategorized