Pioneer in Single-Dose Packaging Knows Innovation - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Pioneer in Single-Dose Packaging Knows Innovation

The Knowlton Development Corp. based in Quebec will be opening a manufacturing plant within New Albany’s personal care and beauty campus this year. A solutions provider for Fortune 500 personal care companies, KDC manufactures shower gels, soaps, skin lotions and other cosmetics and toiletries. As a leader in the industry, KDC is known for spearheading the use of single-dose, butterfly packaging as well as the development of all-natural, petroleum-free deodorant platforms. Underscoring the importance of innovation in their success, KDC’s website states:

Innovation is:

  • To continually engineer greater quality and value into our products.
  • To connect with emerging technologies, and partner with the best.
  • To bring the future of personal care to our clients, faster.

Knowlton’s 250,000 square foot facility in New Albany will cost an estimated $55 million and generate more than 200 jobs for the area with the potential for expansion. “We’re excited to create jobs and grow here,” said John Bertuccini, the company’s chief executive officer. “We located perfectly. Within a 500-mile radius, we have 80 percent of our customers.”

Innovate New Albany, the city’s incubator for technology startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses, features 16,000 square feet of space within the New Albany Business Park’s Signature Office Building, 8000 Walton Parkway.

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