Category: event

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Lunch & Launch Recap: Going Mobile With Your Web Presence

Most of us – especially business owners – have some type of mobile device. The devices we once carried to simply make phone calls have become hand-held computers, allowing us...


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Lunch & Launch Recap: Insight 2050 – Emerging Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Central Ohio

Have you ever wondered what Central Ohio communities might look like 30+ years from now? The Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) knows, and shared it at SunDown RunDown’s Lunch...

economic development, event

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2015 Angel Capital Association Summit Recap

This year, I made the trek out to San Diego to attend my first Angel Capital Association (ACA) Summit. Here is a brief recap of some of the main themes...


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Mobile Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners

Mobile technology has changed the way we do business. More and more people are using their smart phones to access the Internet, and two billion consumers worldwide will have smartphones...


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Make a Social Impact at GiveBackHack (for free!)

Have you ever had an idea to solve an issue in our community? Buckeye Interactive is sending 10 inspired developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to GiveBackHack April 17-19. Tell the Buckeye...

community, event, opportunity

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Lunch & Launch Recap: Web Analytics For Your Start-Up & Small Business

You’ve launched an impressive website for your business. You’ve invested in online advertising and created a strong social media presence to drive traffic to your website. You think it’s working....


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Lunch & Launch recap: What Not to Say in an Investor Pitch

You’ve got an idea, and you’ve done your research. You’ve written your business plan and you’ve secured your partners. Your next step is to convince a group of investors to...

event, venture capital

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Lunch & Launch Recap: Crowdfunding Done Right

Business owners looking for an innovative way to raise money for a product, service, or cause can do so with a technology-based method of fundraising called crowdfunding. According to,...


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5 Crucial Elements of A Successful Event

Hosting an informational event is a great way to attract like-minded business people to your company and provide networking opportunities for yourself and those who attend. If you’re a small...

event, small business, startups

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2015 Communications Planning: Share Your Meaningful Work in a Meaningful Way

Success in your business is possible and well within your reach when you take the time to create and implement one important thing: a plan. Joel Kessel of Kessel Communications...
