Category: event

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Startups Benefit from ‘Ask the Experts’

Business startups are inevitably deluged with a wide variety of issues – from legal and financial to marketing and technology – that can make or break their business. Now, Innovate New Albany,...

entrepreneur, event, Innovate New Albany

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Innovate New Albany Celebrates Anniversary of Startup Hub

Join us to celebrate Innovate New Albany’s first anniversary on Wednesday, April 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. There’s a lot to celebrate–in less than 6 months, the incubator’s 17 lockable offices...

development, entrepreneur, event, Innovate New Albany, innovation

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OSU Entrepreneurship Center Hosts Venture Showcase

The Center for Entrepreneurship at the Fisher College of Business will host the Venture Showcase, an opportunity for teams selected to build innovative business models to make their first public...

entrepreneur, event, innovation

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International EcoSummit 2012 Takes Place in Columbus

The world’s most respected experts in ecological science will participate in the first conference ever to link the Ecological Society of America (ESA), The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) and...

event, technology

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Innovate New Albany Opens New Albany Chapter of Ohio Referral Network

Innovate New Albany has opened a chapter of The Ohio Referral Network (TORN), a business-to-business organization designed to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and business professionals to exchange referrals through live and online...

business, event, In the News, Innovate New Albany

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Ask the Experts, Free Advice for Startups

Date: Tuesday, February 21 (scheduling 30 minute appointments from 8:00a – 12:00p) Venue: Innovate New Albany, 8000 Walton Parkway, New Albany, 2nd floor Innovate New Albany in collaboration with the City of New Albany...

business, development, entrepreneur, event, Innovate New Albany, opportunity

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TechColumbus Recognizes Thirteen Innovators

Central Ohio newest startups, non-profits, corporations, educational and healthcare institutions recently celebrated the region’s many claims to innovation at the 2011 Innovation Awards ceremony where 13 individuals and organizations were...

award, development, entrepreneur, event, innovation

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NAIOP Recognizes Inspired Development Efforts

New Albany’s sustainable master planning, innovation ecosystem and public-private partnerships proved to be a winning combination for the Central Ohio Chapter of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association which...

award, event, press

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Free Workshop Offers Advice for Entrepreneurs

Join the City of New Albany and TechColumbus on Wednesday, December 7th from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. for a free workshop titled “Big Idea and Little Money–Now What?” Hosted at...

entrepreneur, event, opportunity

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Farmers Market Innovates Healthy Eating

The season has come to an end for the New Albany Farmers Market, but it is a sure bet the popular market will be back next year. In fact, according...

event, innovation