Category: innovation

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Women Generating Promotes Leadership, Power, Purpose

Women Generating, a model and methodology of leadership for women and by women harnesses the collective power of women to achieve positive change in the world. Founded by Suzanne Roberts,...

business, development, economic development, event, innovation, Jobs, opportunity

TIGER Tale Recap: May I See Your ID: Trials & Triumphs of Entrepreneurs Under 21

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss  Two teenage central Ohio business owners took...

business, entrepreneur, innovation

Starting A Home-Based Business: Tips For Driven Entrepreneurs

Starting your own business may seem like a far-off dream that will take years to achieve, but in reality, it’s closer than you think. These days, there are so many...

entrepreneur, innovation, small business, startups

TIGER Talk Recap: Reinvent Yourself and Your Company every 3.5 Years

Most business owners would tell you that the key challenge of running their business is keeping their business afloat. Managing a roller coaster economy, constant change and day-to-day crises makes...

business, development, education, entrepreneur, innovation

Everyone Has to Start Somewhere. The Starting Line Puts ‘Somewhere’ on the Map.

I’m a young entrepreneur in Columbus, Ohio. Given the current ecosystem, that’s actually a pretty mighty combination. Ohio is the best state in the country if you’re looking to start...

business, business Incubators, community, education, entrepreneur, event, innovation, news, opportunity, startups

Columbus Business First Promotes Innovate New Albany Companies

Columbus Business First has featured Innovate New Albany companies three times in the past two months. Myonexus and Jetfuel Tech Inc., are both changing the medical industry with their innovative...

business, business Incubators, community, entrepreneur, In the News, innovation, news, press, startups, technology, tenant spotlight

TIGER Talk Recap: 2018 Annual Technology Update With Buckeye Interactive

Buckeye Interactive is the technology partner for Innovate New Albany. Buckeye Interactive stays up to date on technology, not just because it’s cool, but because it’s effective. Brad Griffith, founder...

business, digital, innovation, technology

How Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals Can Redefine Success as a Soft Skill

Success: We have all heard this word from our earliest days as children; the drumbeat of how often it has arisen in conversation, in the written word, and even as...

business, education, entrepreneur, innovation

TIGER Talk Recap: 2017 Tech Trends You Need to Know

Tech trends come and go, and sometimes come back again. But if you want to know what’s hot and what’s not in 2017, you’ll need to consult the experts. That’s...

digital, innovation, technology

Sensu Music fills the music industry’s data gap

Sensu Music originated in New York, moved to California, and picked up Ari Schottenstein along the way. Ari, a New Albany native, is Sensu Music’s VP of Business Development, a...

business, community, digital, innovation, small business, startups, technology