Category: innovation

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Q & A with Carol Clark, X Squared Angels

What is X Squared Angels? When did you start it? We held our first members’ investment meeting in. We have 16 accredited investor members. We hope to have 25 by...

business, business Incubators, development, entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, innovation, Uncategorized

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South by Southwest® is Destination for Discovery

From actors, filmmakers and musicians to inventors and entrepreneurs, the 20th annual South by Southwest® Conferences & Festivals is well underway offering one of the most unique convergences of original...

business, development, entrepreneur, event, innovation, news, startups

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Local 3D Printer for Home, School, Work

Local Columbus firm IC3D Printers specializes in creating innovative 3D printers for engineers, artists and anyone who wants the ability to produce a three-dimensional object from a digital model. Once...

development, digital, entrepreneur, innovation, technology

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New Albany Students Innovators Earn Recognition

For the last three years, New Albany Plain Local High School students have bested the heavy competition to garner the annual TechColumbus Student Innovation Awards. Demonstrating talent far beyond their...

award, development, innovation, opportunity, technology

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Fast Company Announces World’s Most Innovative

Fast Company has released its annual list of the most innovative companies in the world and the top ten included :Nike; Amazon; Square; Splunk; Fab; Uber; Sproxi: Pinterest; Safaricom; and...

business, development, digital, innovation, mobile, news, technology

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Company makes pills palatable for humans and pets

One of the companies featured in the recent TechColumbus Innovation Showcase, Patients & Consumers’ Pharma, Inc., has developed a unique system of converting medications in tablet and capsule forms into...

innovation, technology

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Strategic Thinking Industries New Name – Sti Healthcare

Strategic Thinking Industries, a Legacy Content Management solutions company that got its start at New Albany’s Innovate New Albany incubator space and has since expanded operations at the city’s Suites@8000, recently changed...

business, In the News, Innovate New Albany, innovation, technology

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Need Fresh Thinking? Visit Idea Sandbox

Named one of the best innovation blogs in America by Blog Rank, Idea Sandbox offers inspiration for those of us stumped by a challenge or trying to learn from our...


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New Albany Shares Spotlight at Business First Breakfast

The 2013 Columbus Business First Commercial Developers Power Breakfast puts the spotlight on New Albany’s record-pace of commercial development at its master-planned business park, the largest master-planned commercial park in...

business, development, economic development, innovation, news

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

TechColumbus Showcases New Albany Startups

For the first time in 17 years, the TechColumbus 2012 Innovation Awards program combined its annual reception with a unique opportunity for startups and research innovators to share their work...

business, development, entrepreneur, event, In the News, innovation, news, technology, Uncategorized