Category: Uncategorized

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

What A Coincidence! The Power of Incidental Similarity

In my previous article, Conversational Compliance: A Big Case for Small Talk, I established, through the aid of a social science study, that small talk is powerful. Even the smallest...


TIGER Talk Recap: How to 4X Your Business With Strategic Alliances

No one can be an expert at everything, but when you form strategic alliances with reputable professionals that have strengths where you don’t, you can be experts together to better...

business, communications, Uncategorized

TIGER Talk Recap: Cloud Computing: Maximizing the Benefit Through Smart Implementation

Cloud computing is one of the highest trending buzzwords in the technology industry, generating over 97,400,000 Google search results. While most people have probably heard of cloud computing or even...

development, technology, Uncategorized

New Albany-based nonprofit Design Outreach hosts 2017 Give Water Gala

Humanitarian engineering nonprofit Design Outreach is hosting its annual Give Water Gala in Columbus on Thursday, September 21st, to raise funds for world-wide water access. Design Outreach, an Innovate New...


Facebook to Build One of the World’s Most Advanced Data Centers in New Albany

Facebook has chosen to build a new data center in the New Albany International Business Park. The company plans to invest $750 million to construct a 970,000-square-foot facility powered by...


What Building Owners Need to Know to Score Good Tenants

Vacancies vary greatly across the country, but landlords of every property type need to stay sharp to ensure they are getting good tenants. What do landlords need to look at...

entrepreneur, real estate, Uncategorized

Building a Security Awareness Culture: A Leadership View of IT Security

For decades, IT security and the risk of a data breach was solely a worry of the IT department. Those days are gone. They’ve been gone for a while, yet...

digital, small business, technology, Uncategorized

Call for Contributors: Write, speak, or sponsor

Pay it forward to the Central Ohio startup community at Innovate New Albany. Did you know that Innovate New Albany’s educational events and blog articles are made reality by contributors...


Tenant Spotlight: Meet Jurgita Fumo, Owner of Eventspot

Jurgita Fumo founded Eventspot in January 2014. Eventspot helps plan and execute corporate events, fundraisers, business networking meetings, and social occasions, and also offers balloon décor. Whether Eventspot is coordinating...

tenant spotlight, Uncategorized

4 Steps to Seizing the Right Market for Your New Idea

To be a success, every business must understand how much money they can make from their particular product or service. Determining that information starts with the proper evaluation of the...

business, entrepreneur, event, startups, Uncategorized