Central Ohio newest startups, non-profits, corporations, educational and healthcare institutions recently celebrated the region’s many claims to innovation at the 2011 Innovation Awards ceremony where 13 individuals and organizations were honored.
“I challenge you to always stay curious,” said Limited Brands Founder and Chair, Les Wexner in his keynote address. “Be both personally curious and curious in your organization. Keep tabs on what’s going on in the world. Look at things with fresh, youthful eyes and constantly ask yourself ‘What did I learn from that?’”
Wexner also encouraged innovators to never repeat what they had done yesterday, citing his own organization’s shift from women’s apparel to the lingerie and home and beauty categories. “It’s important to migrate your basic skills,” said Wexner, a New Albany resident and CEO of the New Albany Company, “but when you’ve done something the same way for a while, you must embrace change.”
Click here for a complete list of TechColumbus Innovation Award winners.