1 Million Cups Will Visit Innovate New Albany on Weds. June 5th

1 Million Cups Columbus is hitting the road this summer, and the first stop is at Innovate New Albany on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019.

1MC Columbus is the local chapter of 1 Million Cups, a nationwide program developed by the Kauffman Foundation in 2012, designed to bring local entrepreneurs and business owners together for interesting presentations and engaging discussions each week. The idea is that over a million cups of coffee, we can have meaningful conversations that can change our trajectories.

If you aren’t familiar with the format, each meeting usually has a presentation from an early-stage company (not a pitch!), followed by a friendly Q&A session. What’s great is that you aren’t just networking – you’re learning about a new business, what people are thinking and doing in and around your community; you’re offering up advice based upon your own experiences; you’re hearing others with different backgrounds than you, asking questions you might not have thought to ask. You walk away energized and with renewed passion for your own journey.

While we typically meet at Rev1 Ventures each Wednesday, the Columbus area has so many awesome startup and innovation hubs. That is why we’re taking 1 Million Cups on a road trip to highlight these hubs and the businesses thriving within them.

If you’d like to learn more about the Columbus 1MC chapter, or more about the 1 Million Cups program, please check out the website. If you have any questions, you can reach the entire 1MC team at columbusoh@1millioncups.com.

We’ll start networking over coffee and breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, June 5, at Innovate New Albany, and kick everything off at 8:45. We hope to see you there!

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