Connie Chwan, President of PureDirection, LLC, led a motivating and inspiring discussion at the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center on August 21.
Her presentation, “Get a Grip: 6 Keys to a Great Company,” had two goals: (1) to encourage business owners to look at their company from a different perspective, and (2) to give them a set of tools they could use immediately.
Connie is one of less than 100 carefully selected individuals in North America trained to implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Model. The EOS Model can be customized to any business, and Connie works with businesses of all sizes to help them clarify their goals, keep their team focused and accountable, and secure future growth.
The EOS Model has six components, or keys, to success:
- Vision: Vision is your big picture, or your overall goal or plan. Everyone who works for you should know what it is, agree with it and stay focused on it.
- People: You need great people to achieve your vision, and they must be filling the right “seat” in your business.
- Data: These key indicators let you know where you are and where you are going, so you can make sound business decisions.
- Issues: Problems or areas of improvement, these “corporate dust bunnies,” are a list of items that need to be addressed.
- Process: These are your systems or methods for doing business, which make your carefully laid plans more manageable and consistent.
- Traction: Tying it all together, traction brings everything full circle and marches you and your business towards your vision.
Connie provided countless examples of each of the six keys, as well as 12 working tools that business owners could use to guide them through the EOS process.
Each business owner in attendance received a 16-page workbook, complete with all of the keys, tools and examples they would need to carry out the model. When Connie implements the six key EOS Model with her clients, her goal is to get them 80% strong in every single component.
Connie’s presentation provided business owners with a way to systematically and efficiently organize, plan and evaluate their businesses’ goals, and point it in the direction for success.
For questions about this presentation or for more information about The EOS Model, you can visit Connie’s website at, or contact her at (614) 579-0213, or