TIGER Recap: Conscious Leadership for Entrepreneurs

Leadership in business has evolved over time. It began as a military model, where the focus was power and control. Then it changed to a mercenary form of leadership, where the goal was to make as much money as possible.

A new brand of leadership has now emerged that shifts from “me” to “we”, and from “getting” to “giving.” The new leadership style is called Conscious Leadership.

Juan Alvarez, the owner of JuanPurpose, presented, “Conscious Leadership for Entrepreneurs” at Innovate New Albany on April 29. The presentation was part of Innovate New Albany’s Tiger Talks luncheon series, which educates business owners on the topics of Technology, Innovation, Growth, Entrepreneurship and Responsibility. TIGER Talks are offered free of charge throughout each month in an effort to help entrepreneurs “earn their stripes” toward starting and running a successful business.

Juan began the presentation by explaining the difference between leadership and management. Leadership is about change or transformation, and having a vision of something you want to do or create. Management focuses on execution and order; managing your resources to bring your vision to life. While you need both to run a business, leaders can change the world.

The main motivation of a Conscious Leader is purpose and contribution. Conscious Leaders focus on the why – why do we create a business and why is it important.

Juan said a Conscious Leader possesses the following qualities:

  1. Knows themselves. Conscious Leaders look to themselves to craft a vision and create the business. They recognize the connection between personal development and the growth of their company.
  2. Emotional intelligence. Conscious Leaders have self-awareness and empathy. They learn to become aware of how they feel in any situation, and take ownership of it. They feel and acknowledge the emotions of other people and act accordingly.
  3. Focus in the present moment. Conscious Leaders have goals for the future, but they pay more attention to the journey than the destination by bringing all their attention to the task at hand. They extract information from the past to learn from it, but they leave it in the past.
  4. Helps others grow. Conscious Leaders track potential in every interaction with their employees, and have a vision for what they can become.
  5. Long-term mentality. Conscious Leaders devote their lives and energies to the vision, and understand that it will continue long after the leader’s life.
  6. Integrity. Conscious Leaders stick to what they believe is right, no matter the consequences.
  7. Compassion. Conscious Leaders recognize when they need to just be present and acknowledge someone’s suffering.
  8. Love and Care. Conscious Leaders come to work with a loving attitude and sincere appreciation for each other.
  9. Gratitude. Conscious Leaders recognize that everything they have become is a result of a group effort.
  10. Impartiality. Conscious Leaders have a profound understanding that we are all the same, no matter appearance, vital circumstances, or behavior.
  11. Opportunity mindset. Conscious Leaders don’t focus their attention on what went wrong, but instead seek the opportunity that a situation is bringing.

Juan also said that Conscious Leaders adopt healthy habits, such as getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, maintaining an exercise program, and relaxing their minds so they can refocus.

Juan closed the presentation by giving the group five techniques to building Conscious Leadership:

  1. Mindfulness meditation. Managing your stress and anxiety helps you become more effective and focused.
  2. Conscious Leadership Development Coaching. A coach can help you identify your passion and clarify and craft your vision.
  3. Emotional Intelligence Programs. Programs such as Nextlevel Columbus can build your leadership abilities.
  4. Role Models/Mentors. Look for leaders who represent what you want to become. Read their content and reach out.
  5. Practice. Techniques are only useful when they are put into action. Make them your own.

You have the power to transform your business, your network and your community through leadership. Identify the impact you’d like to make, and take ownership of your own leadership.

For more information about Conscious Leadership, contact Juan at juan@juanpurpose.com, or visit his website at www.juanpurpose.com.

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