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VentureOhio Awards recognizes Ohio’s tech stars

VentureOhio celebrated a year of successes in the tech scene at the 2016 VentureOhio Awards celebration Thursday evening.

The third-annual awards program is designed to recognize individuals and organizations that “have contributed substantially to Ohio’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, and have demonstrated the success that can be accomplished in Ohio.”

The organization honored seven companies, individuals and organizations out of 88 nominations.

The judges for the contest were: Mark Brandt (RSM), John McIlwraith (Allos Ventures), Jonathon Vinocur (Thompson Hine), Calvin Cooper (NCT Ventures), Jeff Toewe (Athenian), Ryan Helon (Rev1 Ventures), Ray Leach (Jumpstart) and Falon Donohue (VentureOhio).

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