It’s not too late to submit a nomination for TechColumbus’ 2011 Innovation Awards with categories including:
- Outstanding Startup Business
- Outstanding Product
- Outstanding Service
- Outstanding Technology Team
- Green Innovation
- Innovation in Non-Profit Service Delivery
- Corporate Innovator of the Year
Here are the details directly from TechColumbus:
The process is easy! Nominate yourself, your company, a client, a co-worker, a competitor, a vendor or a mentor using this short form by Tuesday, October 18th.
Once your nomination has been submitted and verified, the nominee will be contacted and asked to submit a full packet of information about their innovation.
All complete submissions will be reviewed by a panel of judges and scored for each award category.
The top three award finalists and the award winner will be announced at the 2011 Innovation Awards on February 2, 2012.
Check out the full listing of rules and details.