TIGER Talk Recap: 2020 Technology Outlook

For the fourth year in a row, Brad Griffith of Buckeye Interactive, brought his experience and insights from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to Innovate New Albany.

During the January 24 TIGER Talk, Brad presented, “2020 Technology Outlook” for those who geek out over technology, gadgets and digital trends but weren’t able to attend the show.

CES 2020 was held in Las Vegas from January 7-10, and is the largest tech conference in the world. This year’s show featured more than 4,400 exhibiting companies and 170,000 attendees across more than 2.9 million net square feet of exhibit space. (https://www.ces.tech/News/Press-Releases/CES-Press-Release.aspx?NodeID=1845a86d-0ac5-4d40-baef-04b230ef9321)

While the event was too huge to see every exhibitor, Brad made his way to some of the more interesting exhibits and demos that fell into the following categories:


From a massive wall mounted with curved TVs to displays that roll into a box when not in use, there were plenty of displays to admire. Included in that category was the Serif TV with curved bevels, a see-through display, and a screen that feels like a canvas when it is brush painted.

Digital Assistants

Brad said digital assistants exhibits were everywhere, but were uninspired. Alexa demonstrated a device that connects with Bluetooth when plugged into a car to turn the car into an Alexa device. Other more impressive demos involved Neon’s screen that displays an animated, lifelike person, and a device that performs real time translations.


Efficient, futuristic technology was featured in the full-size SPod chair that is steered with a joystick, carts that follow a shopper around a store, and a bike that can be pedaled on water.

Kids Tech

This technology featured reality-built objects that transform into digital versions of themselves. Examples include hand-written paper flash cards that become digital, and airplane toys a child can build, and then manipulate using an iPod. There were many ways for children to program robots without using a computer.

International Startups

Start-ups from all over the world—such as France, Italy Great Britain and more—were displaying their technology gadgets at CES.

Health and Fitness

An exhibitor demonstrated how customers are able to shop for healthier options specific to their DNA. Other impressive tech included a non-intrusive breast pump, InBody scans for body fat composition, personalized nutrition APIs, and innovations in aging.


The Impossible Burger, made of genetically-engineered plant based protein, was featured, as well as a “Keurig” design for dispensing single serving olive oils, desserts and aromas.


Brad saw a robot that can play Ping-Pong with a single player, robots that help you cook or clean windows, and hockey goals that move out of the way for an automated Zamboni.

The technology Brad didn’t see at CES includes:

  • Successful foldable phones and tables
  • Devices without voice integration
  • Microsoft, Apple, Facebook or Tesla
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • 5G

Brad gave the group parting words of advice around technology. He said to think about what the inconveniences are in your life and how innovation could have an impact, try something new and share the experience, and finally, be an early adopter—don’t wait for the perfect tech.

CES 2021 is scheduled January 6-9 in Las Vegas. You can learn more about the show or sign up for alerts on CES’s website (https://www.ces.tech). If you’d like to talk tech with Brad about the products he saw, contact Buckeye Interactive at 614-289-7900 or visit his website (http://buckeyeinteractive.com).

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