4 Ways Onsite Blogging Can Boost Your Small Business

4 Ways Onsite Blogging Can Boost Your Small Business


Thriving in the digital world is an ongoing effort. In order to drive success for your small business and maintain your competitive edge, it is essential to set yourself up for success by meeting your audience where they work and play—online. One of the best ways to do this is to utilize the power of onsite blogging. Adding a blog to your website with quality content can help you gain exposure for your brand, stand out in the search engines, and generate qualified leads.

There are a number of ways onsite blogging can improve your digital position, and when mixed with an effective offsite blogging strategy, it can be one of the greatest tools in your online plan. Here are the top 4 reasons you should be blogging on your site.

1. Building Brand Authority and Social Presence

You are an expert in your field and have invaluable information to share with your audience. Onsite blogging helps you to establish your role as a brand authority in your area of specialty and build trust with your target audience. Adding fresh content to your website is also the perfect material to share with your audience via social media. Whether it is news about your brand, updates, or helpful information your audience can incorporate into their daily lives, these messages fuel conversations with the people you are hoping to connect with. By adding social sharing buttons to your blogs, this can help you gain a much larger reach.

2. Fresh Content Means Better Ranking

Search engines love “fresh content,” but it is not practical to constantly add new service or product pages to your website, so blogging is a great way to keep your site continually updated so more people will visit it regularly and it won’t lose its relevance in the search engines. Not only does posting a quality blog update your site, but any comments or conversation you gain from the post will be viewed as “new content” to the search engines as well.

3. Quality Content = More Website Traffic

Producing valuable and interesting content that people want to read and share is important. Create a headline that grabs their attention off the bat, with a good indicator on what they can expect if they read on. Incorporate good SEO practices into your title and content to tap into highly searched words and terms. Focus on the user by providing content they find valuable enough to want to tell someone else about. Quality content with effective SEO will make your audience happy and the search engines happy.

4. Internal Links

When you add a new blog to your website, you have the opportunity to utilize internal linking. Internal linking is the process of adding hyperlinks to your blog post that go back to appropriate pages within your website. This means that you can connect relevant pages on your website to the blog post to help improve the “link juice” to your site. Internal linking is a powerful way to enhance your website presence because it enables you to send valuable links to those pages—which the search engines love. Ultimately, this helps to improve your search engine rankings.

The best online marketing strategies involve a combination of various practices. Onsite blogging is a sure-fire way you can take your online marketing to the next level.


Jill Span Hofbauer is the head copywriter at The Social Firm. With a passion for uncovering the heart of a well-told story, Jill’s creative mission is to be a connector between brand and audience.


Jill Span Hofbauer is the head copywriter at The Social Firm. With a passion for uncovering the heart of a well-told story, Jill’s creative mission is to be a connector between brand and audience. 

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