Does a Mobile Responsive Website Get the Job Done? - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Does a Mobile Responsive Website Get the Job Done?

Based on Google’s new requirement, many small businesses now understand the need to have a mobile friendly website.

Mobile marketing professionals have been writing and speaking about this in order to help small businesses be prepared and capitalize on this important change. They’ve also been educating small businesses about the differences between a custom mobile website, a mobile responsive website and a mobile app. These conversations are beneficial for small businesses because it helps them to impress their prospects and customers by looking good on the internet and giving visitors what they want – an excellent mobile experience.

Now, many small business owners are under the impression that creating a mobile responsive website for their business is sufficient. I’ve even seen it being recommended as a standard solution to making sure your website looks good on all devices. The problem is that it’s a solution tends to be a one size fits all. When prospective customers find your website via their smartphone, their expectations are different than on a standard desktop. Mobile visitors are more interested in taking action. They want to easily get directions to your location, click a button to find your business, browse through your inventory or email a form to you. A mobile responsive website serves up all the information that’s on your standard site and resizes it so that is displays nicely on mobile devices, but it doesn’t offer the capability to take quick action.

However, a mobile responsive website does provide all of what some businesses need. If, for example, you do not generate revenue from your website such as attorneys, accountants or financial planners, a mobile responsive site may serve the purpose. But, if you need customers or prospects to take action or perhaps buy your products from the site, then you need to seriously consider a custom mobile website.

For example, these types of features are not readily accessible on mobile friendly websites:

  • Click to Call
  • Click for Directions
  • Easy browsing of products or services
  • Mobile friendly email form

The content and design on a desktop website may need to be completely different than on a mobile site. As stated in a recent article published in Forbes and The Wire, Building a responsive site also requires mobile site designers to ask nonsensical questions during the design phase, such as “Can you see this on a 4 inch screen?” or “Will this technology work with touch and a mouse?” or “What happens when a user turns this sideways?”

The main thing to consider is your audience’s behavior and needs when viewing your site on mobile or desktop and how to best serve them.

Here are 2 examples of websites that make the viewing experience of their mobile audience a priority:

The U.S. Army provides an excellent mobile experience for prospective recruits or members. The site offers visitors an abundance of information that is easily accessible.

Shutterfly makes it easy for their customers to see current specials and find what they are looking for in the various categories.


















Another example of an excellent mobile viewing experience for visitors is the local bicycle shop, roll:. A seller of bicycles and parts, their mobile website is clean and simple yet gives the viewers easy accessibility to view the inventory and even purchase on their mobile device. Check it out here:

Smart business owners will seriously consider the needs and expectations of their mobile visitors. Although a mobile responsive site may be perfectly suited for some, a custom mobile website may be exactly what is needed to set your business above the competition as well as give mobile visitors an above and beyond mobile viewing experience.

Sonya Ramsey is the founder and owner of Modigital, LLC. Her company focuses on Mobile and On-Line Reputation Marketing.  She graduated from National University in San Diego and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business.   As a dedicated professional, Sonya understands the value of building relationships and serving others.  She served in the Marines for 4 years and currently is a Docent at the Columbus Museum of Art, where she has given 200+ Speaking Engagements through their Speakers Bureau and Docent in the Schools programs. She is strong believer that by using innovative mobile marketing strategies, small businesses can be competitive with larger companies using strategies that are manageable and effective. She provides non-traditional marketing solutions in a rational and approachable manner while giving customized support every step of the way. Sonya is happy to have a conversation about mobile marketing for your business. She can be reached at:

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