August 2018 Monthly Report - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio
August 2018

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Tenant Employee Count

Employees (By Office Type)

Emily Journey and Associates (formerly WP Artisans) provides face-to-face training on managing WordPress websites and keeping them up-to-date. The firm also provides training in search engine optimization (SEO). This training is delivered to individuals and corporate teams – and can be obtained on the client’s premises, nationwide.
Emily Journey and Associates’ WordPress training equips each client with the knowledge and skills required to manage its WordPress website with confidence. The firm is comprised of two WordPress experts – Emily Journey & Rachel Pfanz – who are both ready and prepared to help clients master what often feels like a complicated platform. At the following link, there is a video that provides more detail about the firm’s customized WordPress classes for business owners, IT staff, administrative staff, and marketing teams:
August 2, 2018
Columbus Executive Forum
August 3, 2018
Expert Office Hours
Expert Office Hours
August 10, 2018
Marketing Message Workshop
August 22, 2018
Sell More. Sell More Easily.
TIGER Workshop.
August 24, 2018
Sustainable Success: Remaining Relevant and Evolving
August 29, 2018
Breakfast at Innovate
INA Event
September 7, 2018
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Crypto Mania: Behavioral Finance Forces Driving Cryptocurrencies and Financial Markets
September 14, 2018
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
How To Get Discovered By The Media
September 21, 2018
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The Recipe for Building Real, Authentic Business Relationships–Even in Today’s Digital World
September 26, 2018
9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
How to Create a Blog that Makes Money
TIGER Workshop
September 28, 2018
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Contract Terms & Language: Making Sense of it All

Innovative Information:

  • Wed Aug 8 – Hosted Powell-based business coach Raj Patel, a candidate to serve as a TIGER Event speaker. Described our mission, company mix, and our goals for TIGER Events.  Provided tour of our facility.


  • Thu Aug 9 – Met with Columbus-based entrepreneur Sunny Martin who is launching The Urban Entrepreneur Center, a Saturdayentrepreneurship training program for high school and middle school students in Columbus.   Described our mission, company mix, and our goals for TIGER Events and our Expert Office Hours program.  Explored opportunities to collaborate.


  • Tue Aug 21 – Hosted Julie Messing, Executive Director, Entrepreneurship Initiatives – LaunchNET, Kent State University.  Described our mission, company mix, and our goals for TIGER Events and our Expert Office Hours program.  Explored opportunities to collaborate.


  • Wed Aug 22 – Attended SEA Change Social Enterprise Accelerator Pitch Dayat Columbus Main Library.  Watched business pitches delivered by 8 finalist companies. Networked with other attendees and provided information about Innovate New Albany.


  • Thu Aug 23– Attended Columbus Young Professionals (CYP Club) Speaker Luncheon at Franklin University.  Evaluated speaker candidate for a possible TIGER Talk.  Met with Doug Ross, Marketing Professor at Franklin and met the officers of CYP Club.


  • Wed Aug 29 – Attended private reception on the campus of Aileron, a non-profit organization with the goal of helping private-business owners find greater success, in Tipp City, Ohio, which is north of Dayton.  Networked with other attendees and provided information about Innovate New Albany.   Recruited speakers and attendees for future TIGER Events.


  • Fri Aug 31 – Hosted Councilwoman Marlene Briskand her husband, financial professional Jim Brisk.  Described our mission, company mix, and events.  Provided tour of facility.  Jim is interested in locating his business at Innovate NA, beginning as a virtual resident.


  • Fri Aug 31 – Hosted Maggie Humphrey, Director of Business Development, Columbus Young Professionals (CYP Club).  Described our mission, company mix, and our goals for TIGER Events.  Provided tour of our facility.  Explored opportunities for Innovate NA and CYP Club to collaborate on one or more events, possibly in early summer 2019.


  • Fri Aug 31 – Met with local technology leader Dan Rockwell, a speaker candidate for a future TIGER Event. Reviewed TIGER Event goals and best practices.  Set a plan for Dan to do a TIGER Talk on Fri Nov 30.


  • Fri Aug 31 – Hosted prospective tenant Dmitry Grishin.   Described our mission, company mix, and events.  Provided tour of facility.  Dmitry is interested in locating his business at Innovate NA, beginning as a virtual resident.

