TIGER Talk Recap: Marketing Message Workshop - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

TIGER Talk Recap: Marketing Message Workshop

Every business owner should have a boilerplate message — otherwise known as an elevator speech — that clearly explains who you are and what you do. And it should be less than 27 seconds long. Heather Harmon, director of marketing at Rev1 Ventures, says that’s all the time you have to keep someone’s attention.

Heather was Innovate New Albany’s TIGER Talk presenter on August 10. Her presentation “Marketing Message Workshop” coincided with the three-year anniversary celebration of TIGER events, and brought a record 78 entrepreneurs to Innovate New Albany.

Heather said that as the founder and principal of your business, the core message should start with you. You need to know your core message better than anyone else, so you can control how your employees, the media and anyone else talks about your

It takes a lot of time and work to write your core message, and it should contain four parts:

  1. What you do. This is a one-sentence description of your business that is clear and concise.
  2. Why it matters. Not why it matters to you, but instead why it matters to your clients or your audience.
  3. Key differentiator. This statement explains what makes you different or better than your competition.
  4. Focus on the solution. Identify what problem your business is solving for your customer. This is the “pull at their heartstrings” statement that explains what you are passionate about.

Heather said that every core message statement should end with a call to action, such as “contact us” or “visit our website at…” You should always give your audience a way to come back to you.

Heather showed the group some core message examples that were good and explained why others were bad. She also provided examples of before and after core messages and explained how they had improved.

The remainder of the TIGER Talk was spent in a marketing message workshop, where small groups of business owners worked together through their current core message, and the what, why and key differentiator of an improved core message. At the end of the workshop, outcomes were shared with the group.

Heather encouraged the attendees to get input on the core message from advisors, employees and customers. Your current customers can offer valuable input on your differentiator, by telling you why they chose to work with you.

For more information on crafting your marketing message, contact Heather at heather@rev1ventures.com, or visit Rev1 Venture’s website.

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