Girls with Gears Ride for Health, Fun, Networking - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Girls with Gears Ride for Health, Fun, Networking

Three times each week, a group of women cyclists from across central Ohio get ready to roll at the Starbucks in New Albany. They’ll traverse 15 or 30 miles, often in the company of a “celebrity guest wrangler” who sets the route, teaches safety techniques and provides comic relief.

Girls with Gears, a group of women leaders in business, government, education and philanthropy, is on a mission to raise money for cancer research, get in better shape and have some fun. Together, they will ride to support Pelotonia, a benefit bike tour through southeastern Ohio August 19-21st that raises funds for cancer research at The James Cancer Hospital at The Ohio State University.

“Girls with Gears has enabled us to pursue multiple goals at the same time — lead a healthier lifestyle, develop and strengthen friendships and support our community by raising money for cancer research at The James,” says Lisa Hinson, president, Hinson Public Relations. “An unexpected side benefit has been that many of us are now doing business within the group as well. You could say that we’ve replaced the networking that typically goes on among men on the golf course with a bicycle and the roadway!”

Hinson and her co-chairs, Tammy Krings, CEO and founder of New Albany-based TS24 and a resident of New Albany, and Hope Wolman, an executive at Central Ohio Insurance Office based in New Albany, continue to reach out to expand the “peloton” or group of riders. This year’s goal is 20-plus riders raising more than $40,000.

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