Marriott, Renaissance Test Tech-Free Vacations - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Marriott, Renaissance Test Tech-Free Vacations

Remember when a vacation meant reading a book, dozing on the beach or playing a game? Well, Marriott and Renaissance Hotels are going old school with their technology-free “Braincation Zones” at eight hotels in the Caribbean and Mexico.

A response to a survey showing that 50 percent of guests checked their emails several times a day while on vacation, the hotels offer technology-free games, entertainment and activities. Think Scrabble on a board instead of Words with Friends.

Meanwhile, the Four Seasons Costa Rica takes away guests’ phones for 24 hours and returns them with a list of activities guests can do without technology. Lake Placid Lodge’s “Check-In to Check-Out” package takes it even further by requiring guests to check all electronic devices upon arrival.

Read more (but not if you are on vacation) at

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