Q & A with Adolph Lombardi, MD, FACS - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Q & A with Adolph Lombardi, MD, FACS


How physical amenities and virtual assets make a difference.

Internationally renowned orthopedic surgeon Adolph Lombardi relocated Joint Implant Surgeons from downtown Columbus to New Albany in 2005, adjacent to Mount Carmel New Albany Surgical Hospital, a specialty surgical hospital that he helped found and minutes from his New Albany home.

Why did you decide to locate your business in New Albany?

As an orthopedic surgeon, proximity to the surgical hospital was an important factor in bringing our practice here. Coming from downtown, we really wanted to be in a beautiful environment with trees and natural features that would be soothing to our patients. This has been a spectacular environment for us. We’ve found the setting to be very relaxing, the access is easy for our patients and the amenities are outstanding from a business standpoint. We’ve found that it is very easy to recruit nurses and physical therapists here because they enjoy working in this environment.

As a medical practitioner and entrepreneur, what are some of the benefits of working in New Albany?

New Albany’s fiber optics and Bluemile, its network service provider, will greatly enhance our connectivity. The hospital and our practice educate hundreds of physicians each year onsite and through broadcasts. Bluemile’s immediate connectivity and clarity will expand our capacity to practice and teach remotely from this facility. In the spring, we will begin to use satellite broadcasts to provide patient consultations as well as physician training, extending our expertise to our colleagues throughout the world.

Was the Village attentive to your needs?

We found the Village to be very supportive of our efforts. They clearly appreciated that we were bringing viable business to the community and they made every effort to accommodate us. There were no stumbling blocks.



Innovate New Albany, the city’s incubator for technology startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses, features 16,000 square feet of space within the New Albany Business Park’s Signature Office Building, 8000 Walton Parkway.

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