Toppling the Giants in Your Industry
By using street smarts, agility and quickness, the little guys can take on industry giants, says Stephen Denny in a new book, Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry.
In today’s economy, which doesn’t benefit the bureaucracy of slow-to-adapt market leaders, being an underdog can actually be a position of strength. Denny points to the rise of cleaning products company Method as an example. Long the domain of P&G, Unilever and Colgate-Palmolive, the founders of Method saw an opening to provide consumers with what they wanted—green-friendly, high-quality products at an affordable price. The giants in their industry weren’t fast enough to compete with the upstart business.
Applicable to companies across all industries, Denny’s key strategies include:
• Win in the last three feet. Leverage someone else’s investment–just be there the moment the customer grabs their wallet.
• Create “thin ice” arguments. Shift the conversation to places where the competition can’t (or won’t) go.
• Fight unfairly. Learn how the underdog can turn the tables.
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