Category: award

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Safelite Technology Receives Recognition

Safelite AutoGlass was presented with a Stevie Award for the “Best Use of Technology in Customer Service” at the fifth annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. The company...

award, development, innovation

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

New Albany Businesses Garner Tech Recognition

New Albany executives, businesses and, even, a high school student, were among the winners and semi-finalists recently recognized during the annual TechColumbus Innovation Awards program. New Albany Plain Local High...

award, business, innovation

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Resource Interactive Offers Free Client Services

From nutritional pioneers to beauty connoisseurs, Resource Interactive’s offer to provide one year’s worth of client services to a woman-owned business drew a wide variety of inspired businesswomen and...

award, business, entrepreneur, innovation

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Ernst & Young Seeks Nominations for Entrepreneur Award

Ernst & Young is seeking nominations for its annual Entrepreneur of the Year awards program that recognizes individuals who translate their ideas into viable, sustainable enterprises. A nominee can be...

award, business, entrepreneur

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

TechColumbus Recognizes Thirteen Innovators

Central Ohio newest startups, non-profits, corporations, educational and healthcare institutions recently celebrated the region’s many claims to innovation at the 2011 Innovation Awards ceremony where 13 individuals and organizations were...

award, development, entrepreneur, event, innovation

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Business First Ranks New Albany Park, City Growth

Despite the economic slow down, New Albany continues to reap the benefits of its forward-thinking approach to community development that revolves around master planning and the latest technological asset,...

award, business, press

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Genius Can Strike After Forty

If you are over 40 and haven’t come up with the next great idea yet, don’t worry. A new study from researchers at The Ohio State University has found that...

award, development, entrepreneur

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Four New Albany CEOs Recognized

Four of the five CEOs recognized as CEO of the Year in Columbus C.E.O. magazine’s December issue are residents of New Albany. Winners were selected through a survey conducted in...

award, business, press, technology

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

NAIOP Recognizes Inspired Development Efforts

New Albany’s sustainable master planning, innovation ecosystem and public-private partnerships proved to be a winning combination for the Central Ohio Chapter of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association which...

award, event, press