Category: digital

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

TIGER Talk Recap | Inbound Marketing: The Key to Successful Growth Hacking

Brian Penick has launched and worked with many companies including Soundstr, The Counter Rhythm Group, and Musicians’ Desk Reference. He has out-smarted the industry and has taken his companies to...

business, communications, copywriting, digital, email marketing, inbound marketing, marketing, sales

TIGER Talk Recap: 2018 Annual Technology Update With Buckeye Interactive

Buckeye Interactive is the technology partner for Innovate New Albany. Buckeye Interactive stays up to date on technology, not just because it’s cool, but because it’s effective. Brad Griffith, founder...

business, digital, innovation, technology

How (and Why) to Start Measuring Your Marketing

I recently read a startling statistic: 60 percent of marketers still don’t measure their marketing in any meaningful way. This comes from a Small Business Trends interview with Sam Mallikarjunan,...

business, digital, startups

Building a Security Awareness Culture: A Leadership View of IT Security

For decades, IT security and the risk of a data breach was solely a worry of the IT department. Those days are gone. They’ve been gone for a while, yet...

digital, small business, technology, Uncategorized

Columbus Women in Business: Heather Whaling, President at Geben Communication

In 2009 Heather Whaling quit her safe, steady job to launch a business that valued innovating best practices, doing well by doing good, and balancing work and life. She created...

business, community, digital, entrepreneur, small business, startups, women in business

TIGER Talk Recap: 2017 Tech Trends You Need to Know

Tech trends come and go, and sometimes come back again. But if you want to know what’s hot and what’s not in 2017, you’ll need to consult the experts. That’s...

digital, innovation, technology

Sensu Music fills the music industry’s data gap

Sensu Music originated in New York, moved to California, and picked up Ari Schottenstein along the way. Ari, a New Albany native, is Sensu Music’s VP of Business Development, a...

business, community, digital, innovation, small business, startups, technology

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

SEO Ranking Demystified: Go Long and Deep

What Does Google’s Hummingbird Release Mean To You? Search engines are now the top resource used by B2B and B2C customers when researching a purchase. There is power on the...


Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

What Do Business Leaders Need to Make a Decision? Emotions.

It seems counterintuitive, but when it comes to making decisions, emotions overwhelmingly outweigh logic and reason. Nowhere is this clearer than in the boardroom, the one place that has more...
