Category: event

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Women Generating Promotes Leadership, Power, Purpose

Women Generating, a model and methodology of leadership for women and by women harnesses the collective power of women to achieve positive change in the world. Founded by Suzanne Roberts,...

business, development, economic development, event, innovation, Jobs, opportunity

1 Million Cups Will Visit Innovate New Albany on Weds. June 5th

1 Million Cups Columbus is hitting the road this summer, and the first stop is at Innovate New Albany on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019. 1MC Columbus is the local chapter...


TIGER Talk Recap: Marketing Message Workshop

Every business owner should have a boilerplate message — otherwise known as an elevator speech — that clearly explains who you are and what you do. And it should be...

award, business, communications, entrepreneur, event

Conversational Compliance: A Big Case for Small Talk

Small talk is vital to the beginning of a solid relationship. With that, you may let out a heavy sigh and quietly mutter words to the effect of, “UGH, small...

business, community, event, networking

Everyone Has to Start Somewhere. The Starting Line Puts ‘Somewhere’ on the Map.

I’m a young entrepreneur in Columbus, Ohio. Given the current ecosystem, that’s actually a pretty mighty combination. Ohio is the best state in the country if you’re looking to start...

business, business Incubators, community, education, entrepreneur, event, innovation, news, opportunity, startups

TIGER Talk Recap: Using Drones to Solve Business Problems, Save Money, & Make Money

While drones are fun to fly, they have real world application in business. Dave Agler, a Federal Aviation Administration Certified Remote Pilot, said the FAA passed safety regulations last August...

event, technology

TIGER Talk Recap: No News? No Problem — Get Creative to Build PR Momentum

Every business wants ongoing positive media exposure, but to get it, you must take an integrative approach that combines both public relations and social media strategies. Heather Whaling, founder and...

entrepreneur, event, small business, startups

4 Steps to Seizing the Right Market for Your New Idea

To be a success, every business must understand how much money they can make from their particular product or service. Determining that information starts with the proper evaluation of the...

business, entrepreneur, event, startups, Uncategorized

TIGER Talk Recap: Overcoming Adversity as an Entrepreneur

Adversity is a constant in both our personal and professional lives, but having the skills to overcome adversity and build resilience can contribute to a strong, successful business. David Amaya...

entrepreneur, event

TIGER Talk Recap: Drones! Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Help Your Business Soar

The introduction of drones is giving individuals and businesses new opportunities for growth, research and development. But with this method of acquiring information comes a whole other set of rules,...
