Category: In the News

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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New Albany Extends TechColumbus Partnership

New Albany TechStart, a successful partnership that began in 2007 and has led to $458,000 in grants to local startups, will continue for an additional four years thanks to a...

business, development, In the News, innovation

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Innovate New Albany Opens New Albany Chapter of Ohio Referral Network

Innovate New Albany has opened a chapter of The Ohio Referral Network (TORN), a business-to-business organization designed to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and business professionals to exchange referrals through live and online...

business, event, In the News, Innovate New Albany

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Innovate New Albany Exceeds Expectations in First Year

With shared workspaces popping up across the country, it’s no wonder that Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s incubator for technology and small business startups has achieved great success in such a short...

business, development, In the News, Innovate New Albany, incubators

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Setting Benchmarks for Physician Practices

Pathways to Success—Physicians (PTS Physicians), startup housed in at Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s business incubator, recently created PTS Benchmaker, the first service in the nation that provides hospital-based physician practices with...

business, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany, innovation

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Innovate New Albany Featured in Dispatch Article

The Columbus Dispatch recently reported that small business is big business in New Albany and other area communities that are focusing attention and resources on startups to drive economic growth....

entrepreneur, In the News, news

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Innovate New Albany Offers Virtual Office to Startups

When Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s small business incubator at 8000 Walton Parkway was created, the city projected full occupancy in 2012. Despite a sluggish economy or perhaps because of it, that...

business, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany, opportunity

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Innovate New Albany Profile: Buckeye Interactive

Buckeye Interactive, one of Innovate New Albany’s first tenants, has tripled its revenue from web development strategy and integrated interactive marketing services for small businesses since moving into the business incubator just...

business, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany, technology

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Disability Assistance Provides Professional Guidance

Attorney Aaron Underhill’s startup business Disability Assistance, which is housed at Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s business incubator, guides public employees through the arduous process of securing disability pensions. Unlike other firms,...

business, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany

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Innovate New Albany Profile: American Health Technology

American Health Technology, a New Albany startup with offices at Innovate New Albany, the city’s business incubator, uses state-of-the art software to automate time-consuming tasks and allow medical professionals to more efficiently...

business, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany, innovation

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Inspired by the Energy of Entrepreneurs and Innovators

After more than 25 years in the corporate world, Tom Guy, business development executive at Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s incubator for technology startups, finds inspiration in the energy of the incubator’s...

development, entrepreneur, In the News, Innovate New Albany