Category: mobile

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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12 Technologies that Will Rock Our World

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have noticed that the rate of new advances, discoveries and technologies has grown exponentially in recent years. Now, a new report...

business, development, innovation, mobile, technology

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Q&A with Victor Thorne, Managing Director of Columbus 2020 and Partner of Broadline Capital

A technology entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Victor Thorne recently participated in an angel investor panel discussion sponsored by Innovate New Albany, New Albany’s incubator for technology startups. In case you missed it,...

entrepreneur, Innovate New Albany, incubators, innovation, mobile, startups, technology, venture capital

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New Albany’s VerticalCloud Expands
Software Services

VerticalRent recently released criminal and eviction reports from the largest originally sourced data in the United States offering landlords and property management firms a low-cost way to review more than...

business, digital, In the News, mobile, technology

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Buycott Tells You Whether Product Reflects Your Principles

Concerned about the moral and ethical implications of the purchases that you make? Now, a new app called Buycott takes the guesswork out of your purchase decisions. When you use...

business, development, digital, innovation, mobile, technology

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Share a Coke and World Peace

Vending machines have provided the world with everything from snacks and shoes to electronics. Now, Coca Cola, with the help of Chicago-based advertising agency, Leo Burnett, has created the Small...

development, digital, innovation, mobile, news, press, technology

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The Six Second Movie Trailer

Are you tired of the typical movie trailer that leaves nothing to the imagination? If so, Twitter’s popular new video app, Vine, will wet your appetite and, perhaps, leave you...

development, digital, innovation, mobile, news, technology, Uncategorized

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YouTube — the Medium for a Mobile Generation

While more and more viewers turn off their TVs in favor of their laptops, tablets or smart phones, YouTube has grown to an average of 1 billion monthly users who...

development, digital, innovation, mobile, technology

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hiVelocity Profiles Ohio’s Creative Class

A new digital publication, hiVelocity, is adding a novel perspective to Ohio business news with weekly features that profile Ohio entrepreneurs, inventors and the businesses and products they create. According...

business, development, digital, innovation, mobile, news

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Grablet Adds Fun and Function to iPad

While technologies such as the iPad have made work, play and life in general much easier, it’s sometimes cumbersome to haul around or set up where and when you want...

business, development, In the News, innovation, mobile, news, small business, startups, technology

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Consumer Packaged Goods Companies Go Mobile

U.S. consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies are turning to mobile apps to not only retain customers but also find new ones are developing mobile apps for everything from special promotions...

development, digital, innovation, mobile, technology