Category: tenant spotlight

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Columbus Business First Promotes Innovate New Albany Companies

Columbus Business First has featured Innovate New Albany companies three times in the past two months. Myonexus and Jetfuel Tech Inc., are both changing the medical industry with their innovative...

business, business Incubators, community, entrepreneur, In the News, innovation, news, press, startups, technology, tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Adam Karen Bdoyan, CEO & Founder of ShowMe

Adam Karen Bdoyan founded ShowMe, an EdTech startup, in 2009. It turns touchscreen devices, such as an iPad, into a personal interactive whiteboard. Teachers can easily record voice-over lessons and...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Brett Douglas, CEO at mCore Athletes

One student dies every three days because of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), but mCore, a mobile cardiac screening and CPR training company, can provide the screenings needed to identify an...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Keith Moody, CEO at SiO Technologies

SiO Technologies provides electronic medical records systems and billing services to hospitals across the Midwest using AtomicDB. AtomicDB is a revolutionary database system capable of maximum performance, energy efficiency, and...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Jurgita Fumo, Owner of Eventspot

Jurgita Fumo founded Eventspot in January 2014. Eventspot helps plan and execute corporate events, fundraisers, business networking meetings, and social occasions, and also offers balloon décor. Whether Eventspot is coordinating...

tenant spotlight, Uncategorized

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Dr. Robert Chiuri, Global Standards USA

Dr. Robert Chiuri is the founder and CEO of Global Standards USA, an international firm that provides auditing, inspections, certifications and training for companies in the food service industry. His...

entrepreneur, small business, startups, tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight: Meet Michelle D. Gregg, Code One Compliance

Michelle D. Gregg started Code One Compliance in 2014 because she wanted to help food manufacturers with food safety and federal compliance. She creates regulation compliance plans for companies and...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight – Meet Greg Walter of 2Tall Animation

Greg Walter is the founder and “bossman” of 2Tall Animation, a creative communications studio that opened its doors in 2012. They write and produce short animations that teach, promote brands,...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight – Meet Baobab Village Wellness Group

Baobab Village Wellness Group is a comprehensive wellness practice that specializes in life and nutritional coaching, counseling and personal training through face-to-face and virtual contact. Pia Fitzgerald is the president...

tenant spotlight

Tenant Spotlight – Meet Emily Journey, WP Artisans

Emily Journey is a WordPress Trainer and owner of WP Artisans. She opened her business in 2010 to meet a strong need of business owners who not only needed a...

tenant spotlight