Another Day of Average… Really? - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Another Day of Average… Really?

How many of you have seen the movie “Groundhog Day” and held this secret contempt toward the creator and producer of the movie? How dare they make a movie that sort of resembles your life as an entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur that feels caught in a reoccurring dramatization of the same day, same events, same frustration…. have no fear! You are not alone! At some point, we have all felt that nothing was moving. We had more questions than answers, and our dreams would never be realized.

The beauty of “Groundhog Day” is that Phil Connors, the weatherman, eventually woke up from his repeating lifemare. He realized that, just like the weather, he needed to change and become his true, authentic self. I know I’m speaking in space lingo (out-of-this-world talk), so allow me to explain. Please and thank you!

Reflect back over your life. Pinpoint certain scenarios that seemed to repeat themselves. How long did it last? What was the point for certain events or scenarios repeating in your life? How did it make you feel?

Write it down.

Personalize it.

Claim it.

Believe it.

Repeating moments do not have to be viewed as negative. My favorite definition of growth says,

“(I am…you are) the process of increasing in value or importance. Repeating events are your opportunity to grow. Spread out. Increase your influence. Strive for more.”

“Groundhog Day” was such a spectacular movie because it gave you three (maybe more) life-changing scenarios to move you to becoming your authentic self.

Points to Consider:

  1. Real change is impossible if you continue to think that change will happen outside of yourself when trying to evolve into who you desire to be – your authentic self.
  2. The life you want will happen sooner if you make a conscious decision to build others while developing as an entrepreneur.
  3. You will receive a gift from standing still and preparing for your next move.


  1. What’s happening?
  2. What am I to learn from it?
  3. Where should my focus be directed to make the change?

As an entrepreneur, realize what makes you unique! You have an originality in your gifts and talents. It lends itself to your ability to solve problems in a way that no one else can. You are unique. Science says that no two people are exactly the same. So why do we try so hard to be like other people? Real change occurs from within, it does not happen outside of yourself. This isn’t new information. We have heard it a lot. Take in this truth! Absorb it into your mindset! Test it out! Realize the truth and apply it! Maya Angelou said, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Learn how to hold yourself accountable by your own criteria instead of the voices or actions of others.

Beware of distractions in business and life. They will cause you to focus on artificial realities and changes. It is important that you take your “day of average” and focus on turning it into your “day of awesomeness!” You may have reached this repeating “lifemare,” because without it, you would continue to fail the same.

When we are stressed or uncertain, we tend to be distracted and oblivious to the world around us. In the movie “Groundhog Day,” Phil realized that if he didn’t buy the man a cup of soup, the man would not live. He was forced to set aside his personal dilemma and do good at an inopportune time. Make the decision to build others while becoming your authentic self. Kevin Spacey said, “If you’re lucky enough to do well, it’s your responsibility to send the elevator back down.” Change a life while you’re on your way up!

As an entrepreneur, you will reach a point where you are experiencing or coming out of “another day of average.” I encourage you to get the lesson, embrace the opportunity to grow, take the time to make an investment in someone, and discover your authentic self.

Scenarios that keep repeating are alarms. Don’t be too busy and miss the cues that are trying to get your attention. I believe the weather metaphor was used in the movie to illustrate constant change. You need to recognize your growth season and prepare to evolve!

At the end of the day, Phil the weatherman changed for the better, found his passions, and saved a man from dying.

It’s “Groundhog Day.” Are you ready?


Lee Woods, CRCST, MBA, of LSP Resource Consulting, is involved in business and strategic planning, education, training, and compliance for healthcare facilities.

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