Perpetual Referrals: The Art & Science of Networking - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Perpetual Referrals: The Art & Science of Networking

Perpetual ReferralsIf you want to make the most of your networking efforts, Matt Byrne can tell you how.

In his presentation, “Perpetual Referrals: The Art & Science of Networking,” Matt gave a group of small business owners the tools and advice they need to maximize their networking opportunities. The event was held at the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center on September 11, 2014.

Matt is the president of and founder of the Ohio Referral Network (TORN). He is a licensed health insurance broker, and organizer of many networking events for TORN.

Matt said the first step in being a good networker is knowing your brand. Your brand is not your logo, your identity or your product. Your brand is what you stand for and what your values are. It doesn’t matter what you think your brand is, it only matters what others perceive your brand to be. The challenge is conveying your information so others perceive your brand the way you intend it.

He also provided suggestions for remembering the names and faces of contacts you meet at a networking event. Referencing strategies in “Moonwalking with Einstein” by Joshua Foer, Matt demonstrated concepts such as “memory palaces” and “major systems,” by encouraging participants to experiment with memory exercises.

Matt emphasized that the goal of any networking event should be to build a bridge and create a connection, not to push your product or service on someone else. People do business with people they know, like and trust. The best networkers are those that ask questions, let others share their information, and follow up with connections they’ve made with a hand-written note.

He concluded his presentation with the following networking words of wisdom:

  • It’s called networking for a reason. It’s work
  • Connect with people you meet in writing. No one does that anymore, and it will stand out
  • It’s a marathon, not a sprint
  • It’s an investment, not an ATM
  • Who’s your tribe? Pick groups that congregate
  • It’s a quality game, not a numbers game
  • Understand your brand
  • Give first, receive later

For more networking tips, or information on the Ohio Referral Network or, contact Matt at 614-336-3636 or

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