TIGER Talk Recap: Using Drones to Solve Business Problems, Save Money, & Make Money

While drones are fun to fly, they have real world application in business. Dave Agler, a Federal Aviation Administration Certified Remote Pilot, said the FAA passed safety regulations last August for unmanned aircrafts weighing less than 55 pounds, and the industry is still in its infancy.

Dave was the presenter at Innovate New Albany’s TIGER Talk luncheon on Friday, April 21. TIGER Talks are free, educational luncheons designed to help entrepreneurs in the areas of Technology, Innovation, Growth, Entrepreneurship and Responsibility.

His presentation, “More Than Fun and Games: Using Drones to Solve Business Problems, Save Money and Make Money” was a follow up to his December TIGER Talk where he discussed the regulations and compliance requirements to flying drones safely and legally.

Dave explained the impact drones have in business, specifically in the real estate and land planning industries.

In real estate, drones are less expensive to use because you don’t need to hire a pilot and photographer to take aerial photos of a home. Planes can’t hover or fly below 500 feet, and there are fewer providers to choose from, which increases the cost.

Dave said drones are a great alternative, because they can orbit at lower altitudes, hover and get closer to the home. There is less risk and they can deploy quickly.
In land planning, Dave said a drone may not be as accurate as a proper survey, but is a less expensive data tool that can help identify issues during the planning and site selections without spending a lot of money. Drones provide great insight with their 3D capabilities, video and stills.

In each example Dave cited actual drone missions from start to finish, including the business need for each client, the equipment and post-production methods used, and how the data and images helped each business succeed.

Dave continued his presentation outside on Innovate New Albany’s patio where he demonstrated how to use a drone, and invited participants to fly it under his direction.

If you’d like to learn more about drones and their application in business, contact Dave at dave@doubleimedia.com, or visit his website at www.doubleimedia.com.

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