Partners - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio


Innovate New Albany provides a wide spectrum of benefits to our tenants thanks to our relationships with several community partners. Together, we collaborate to bring you the ongoing support, affordable business options, and the valuable resources you need to start and grow your business.

Our partners include:

City of New Albany: The City of New Albany prides itself in creating a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly community that values education, culture, lifelong learning and commerce for both its residents and its businesses. The City demonstrates its commitment to the fostering and cultivating of your business by offering subsidized rental rates to Innovate New Albany tenants. The city also provides office space, co-working space, conference rooms, workshops and seminars.

Rev1 Ventures: Rev1 Ventures (formerly TechColumbus) works with and invests in high growth startups in a 15-county Central Ohio region with the goal to strengthen the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Rev1 assists our tenants in getting access to state and federal grants, loans and tax incentive programs. They also help secure private equity in the form of pre-seed funding, early stage or angel investing, and venture capital.

Ohio Small Business Development Center: The Ohio Small Business Development Center provides free development assistance and consulting to start up and emerging business owners. They offer free monthly workshops at Innovate New Albany, which provides our tenants with valuable insights, resources and advice on relevant business topics. Past workshops have featured information on sales and marketing, social media, copyright and trademark, process management, and international trade. The SBDC helps our tenants strengthen the gaps in their knowledge, so they can make sound, confident business decisions.

WOW! Business: WOW! Business offers hassle-free, affordable and functional services to their business clients. WOW! Business supports our tenants with a faster, more reliable Internet. They provide discounted access to robust fiber optic networks to help your business perform at a higher level, and free Wi-Fi for your guests.

Columbus 2020: Columbus 2020 serves as the economic development organization for the 11-county Columbus Region, working in partnership with state and local partners to generate opportunity and build capacity for economic growth. Recently noted as a magnet for tech companies, the Columbus Region has a variety of resources available to assist entrepreneurial enterprises to start and grow their businesses.


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Why New Albany?

As a community created by innovators for innovators, New Albany offers a robust ecosystem that leverages entrepreneurship, business connectivity, public-private partnerships and quality of life to inspire creativity and accelerate commerce.

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