New Albany Residents on the Cutting Edge - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

New Albany Residents on the Cutting Edge

When TechColumbus Q&A recently announced their annual Innovation Awards recipients, not surprisingly, many New Albany companies and residents made the list. Taking cheap mlb jerseys the top prize for Executive of the Year (fewer than 50 employees) was Wayne Poll, MD, the CEO of Minimally Invasive Devices and New Albany resident. Dr. Poll and his company recently developed the FloShield franchise of products 潔癖症は病気だからコレが許せないらしいwwwwwwww that improves Free visualization during laparoscopic surgery. The Albany! company was also named Outstanding Startup Business. New cheap jerseys Albany-based Janova, a web-based, automated software testing tool, was the runner up. Other wholesale jerseys businesses and residents recognized include:

Outstanding Product, companies with fewer than 50 employees: AFS Web

Outstanding Product, companies with more than 50 Home employees: cheap nfl jerseys Commercial Vehicle Group

Outstanding Service: ChaseTek

Outstanding Service: Strategic Thinking Industries

Student cheap nba jerseys Innovation Awards: Kevin Wolfe

Student Innovation Awards Runner Up: Max Yudovich

Innovate New Albany, the city’s incubator for technology startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses, features 16,000 square feet of space within the New Albany Business Park’s Signature Office Building, 8000 Walton Parkway.

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As a community created by innovators for innovators, New Albany offers a robust ecosystem that leverages entrepreneurship, business connectivity, public-private partnerships and quality of life to inspire creativity and accelerate commerce.

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