New Albany Students Innovators Earn Recognition
For the last three years, New Albany Plain Local High School students have bested the heavy competition to garner the annual TechColumbus Student Innovation Awards. Demonstrating talent far beyond their years, these students stand out for their versatility, research acumen, community organization skills, musical interests and sports prowess. The students received a 529 College savings account in the amount of $2,500 to further their exploration in the field of science and technology.
2012: Max Yudovich has been captain of the high school Science Olympiad Team. He is fluent in Russian and French. His senior project, undertaken as a research intern at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Research Institute, focused on gene expression in pediatric cancer. Scientists are currently studying his approach to the data and findings. Yudovich is also an accomplished pianist and swimmer.
2011: While a senior at the high school, Katherine Miller, has led the STEM Girls Club for girls who had once been the only girl in their STEM-related classes. She is the founder of FIONA – Future Innovators of New Albany, a mentoring program for middle-school girls interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. She was also named one of the top 35 high school girls in the country by the National Center for Women and Information Technology.
2010: As a high school senior, Kevin Wolf was a State Officer in the Ohio Model United Nations and the the lead saxophone and keyboard player in a band called No Cash Value and created professional-quality recordings and films. At 15, he made a motorized bicycle. Wolf hopes to pursue a career in aeronautical engineering. He was ranked among the top ten divers in Ohio High School Athletics and was a varsity lacrosse player.
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