OSU STEAM Factory Embraces Arts and Sciences - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

OSU STEAM Factory Embraces Arts and Sciences

In an effort to promote the arts and humanities as an essential part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum now popular across the country, a team of faculty have created the STEAM Factory at The Ohio State University.

According to the College of Arts and Sciences, “The driving idea is that STEAM collaborations transform and advance discovery and innovation by connecting the innate creative impulse that propels each of these areas forward.”

The effort began more than two years ago when Mike Bond, an assistant professor in computer science and engineering, brought together a diverse group of new junior faculty for social gatherings and informal conversations resulting in the discovery of several common research interests and the realization that interdisciplinary collaboration fueled by an understanding of each other’s research could break new ground in multiple fields.

Founded earlier this year, the STEAM Factory set up a collaborative space and public showcase at 400 W. Rich—a former warehouse in the East Franklinton area of Columbus that is also home to artists’ studios and a farmers market.

Learn more at the STEAM Factory website: steamfactory.osu.edu; and, stemoutreach.osu.edu/partners-broader-impact.


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