Tenant Spotlight – Meet Anders Law, LLC - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

Tenant Spotlight – Meet Anders Law, LLC

Kathryn Stokes Anders is an attorney, mediator and founder of Anders Law, LLC.

She earned her B.A. from Grove City College in Grove City PA, and her M.A. from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. She spent the first 10 years of her career working in human services; then decided she wanted to be more influential in helping people. She worked full time while going to school at night to achieve her goal, earning her J.D. from Capital University Law School in Columbus.

Anders was admitted to the bar to practice law in the state of Ohio in 2009, and opened her own practice shortly after.

Anders’ practice offers mediation for domestic and uncontested domestic issues, estate planning services, and Guardian ad Litem work in Licking County.

Her mediation practice helps parents and families stay out of court. She has found that many people facing domestic law issues do not want to rush in front of a judge, and are fearful and stressed about the prospect of fleshing out these very private issues in such a public forum. She gives them an opportunity to remain in control of the process with privacy and mutual respect.

For estate planning, she has discovered that while many people believe they should have a will, it remains on their to-do lists for far too long. She gives them peace of mind in managing their affairs, and with making arrangements for the care of children in the event of a tragedy. That’s an uncomfortable thought for many young parents, but as a mom of five kids in a blended family, she creates an environment for them to discuss these issues with an attorney who actually “gets it.”

What made you decide to start your business?

I have five kids in a blended family. Working for someone else is not an option for me or for my family. So I decided to work for myself.

What are you good at/known for/ what is your “secret sauce”?

I am very good at entering people’s problems while striking a balance between firm, educated authority and gentleness.

What is the smartest move you’ve made so far as a business owner?

To allow my faith in Jesus Christ to drive my practice and my ethics.

If you had one piece of advice to give a new business owner, what would it be?

To know exactly who you are in your area of expertise. For example, I am a Christian lawyer. I am driven by my faith. This has cost me clients and income on occasion, but I do not count that as loss.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a business owner?

Balancing my practice with my five kiddos. Many times I would much rather go to the park instead of answer emails or draft documents. So, I do. I err on the side of ditching work for playing with my kids, and that is a challenge when I have a ton of work to do.

How has your business grown and changed since it first started?

It has grown because I have a few consistent referral sources now, and that helps quite a bit.

What made you decide to become a tenant at Innovate New Albany?

The main conference room is professional for clients, and it is very close to my house. All the people I meet are incredibly nice.

What do you love most about working/living in New Albany?

It’s home to me now, and I believe that God put me right here to work and raise my kids in a way that points toward Him.

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