Introducing Innovate New Albany
The Village of New Albany recently launched Innovate New Albany, a new business incubator at 8000 Walton Parkway. An entire floor with more than 16,000 square feet has been dedicated as a hub for startups and entrepreneurial activities at the Signature Office Building. Designed to create a flow of ideas and interconnectivity, Innovate New Albany is already at near capacity—with 13 companies occupying the 15 available slots.
Entrepreneurial and startup companies housed in the space are:
- TechColumbus (202C) Provides innovative companies what they need to grow: start-up mentoring and consulting, business plan development, a strong pathway to capital investment, marketing assistance, and personalized professional service for our incubator clients.
- White Fences (210) Web hosting, internet service provider and small business colocation services to Innovate New Albany tenants and other regional small business.
- Disability Assistance LLC (212) Provides assistance to public employees requiring disability benefits.
- PTS Physicians (214) PTSPhysicians℠ is in the business of providing owners and administrators of physician practices customized professional services to improve their financial performance and efficiencies. Our unique skills deliver proven results, at a very competitive price.
- Buckeye Interactive (216) Small business marketing specialists who take pride in empowering clients to manage their own web presence with user-friendly technology, training, and ongoing service and support. With a unique combination of business strategy, web development and interactive marketing expertise, Buckeye Interactive provides web solutions with a significant ROI.
- Fullen Law Group (218) Law Practice, specializing in corporate and B2B transactional activities and small business.
- West India Company (220) Developing Mobile applications and a CMS for print magazines to display in digital formats.
- Softsyl (222) Turn-key phone solutions for business needs including: Interactive voice response systems, custom apps, speech-voice recognition, voice XML hosting and PBX.
- e-Marketing group (224) Internet marketing experts specializing in SEO Search Engine Optimization.
- Innovate New Albany (226) Providing connectivity between entrepreneurs, tech start ups, TechColumbus and other educational resources. Also, connecting innovators to New Albany community stakeholders: existing businesses, educational institutions, local government and potential funders and investors.
- RealScore (232) Provides applications to benchmark demographic data to medical professionals for business location planning.
- Results Marketing Consulting Group (234) Specializes in delivering small business marketing strategy and professional leadership.
- Hiring Force (236) Provides the ability to search a metro or national repository of candidates that have been evaluated for specific skill sets, expertise level, and even their date of availability. And, you can instantly view the feedback ratings for the firm that represents that candidate, maintaining due diligence within your hiring process.
- Strategic Thinking Industries (238) Provider of customized Information Technology solutions for the Healthcare industry. Services range from providing customized hospital systems integration and IT services, clinical legacy system archiving, reporting and billing and charge capture automation.
- PayBoards (240) Personal ad network for web browsers. User earn cash for ad banners on their FireFox web browser. Advertisers a consistent ad platform no matter where a user surfs.
An event celebrating the incubator space is planned for April 14th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and is open to the public. We hope to see you there!
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Why New Albany?
As a community created by innovators for innovators, New Albany offers a robust ecosystem that leverages entrepreneurship, business connectivity, public-private partnerships and quality of life to inspire creativity and accelerate commerce.