Category: community

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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The Power of Flocking: Networking to Knowledge and Insight

Networking is not a passive activity. It is never effective when you “hole up” in your office or home and hope that opportunity, information, and contacts will find you. Networking...

business, community, networking

Conversational Compliance: A Big Case for Small Talk

Small talk is vital to the beginning of a solid relationship. With that, you may let out a heavy sigh and quietly mutter words to the effect of, “UGH, small...

business, community, event, networking

TIGER Talk Recap: How Public Relations Helps Fuel Business Growth

Does public relations play a role in the growth of your business? Is earned media an effective way to establish trust and credibility? Tracy Teuscher, accredited public relations pro and...

branding, communications, community, development, marketing, press, public relations, social

Everyone Has to Start Somewhere. The Starting Line Puts ‘Somewhere’ on the Map.

I’m a young entrepreneur in Columbus, Ohio. Given the current ecosystem, that’s actually a pretty mighty combination. Ohio is the best state in the country if you’re looking to start...

business, business Incubators, community, education, entrepreneur, event, innovation, news, opportunity, startups

Columbus Business First Promotes Innovate New Albany Companies

Columbus Business First has featured Innovate New Albany companies three times in the past two months. Myonexus and Jetfuel Tech Inc., are both changing the medical industry with their innovative...

business, business Incubators, community, entrepreneur, In the News, innovation, news, press, startups, technology, tenant spotlight

What It Means to Cowork at Granville’s Creative COOP

The need to cowork and collaborate takes us, the human race, back to primitive times; hunting together, cooking together, building together. Working with one another is part of every culture...

business Incubators, community, entrepreneur, incubators, startups

Silicon Valley-based Founder Institute Testing a Columbus Chapter to Guide Aspiring Entrepreneurs

World’s Premier Idea-Stage Accelerator and Startup Launch Program Testing Events in Columbus The Founder Institute, the world’s premier idea-stage accelerator and startup launch program, announced today that it is exploring...

business, community, entrepreneur, news, opportunity, press, startups, technology

Columbus Women in Business: Heather Whaling, President at Geben Communication

In 2009 Heather Whaling quit her safe, steady job to launch a business that valued innovating best practices, doing well by doing good, and balancing work and life. She created...

business, community, digital, entrepreneur, small business, startups, women in business

Sensu Music fills the music industry’s data gap

Sensu Music originated in New York, moved to California, and picked up Ari Schottenstein along the way. Ari, a New Albany native, is Sensu Music’s VP of Business Development, a...

business, community, digital, innovation, small business, startups, technology

Speaker Feature: Dawn Dickson, Founder of Flat Out of Heels

Dawn Dickson is changing the lives of women everywhere with her popular product and brand, Flat Out of Heels, a fabulous on-the-go solution for uncomfortable high heel shoes. The Cinderella...

business, community, entrepreneur, small business, startups, technology