Category: event

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Ohio’s first Women in Analytics Conference
scheduled for April 13 at OSU

The big data and analytics takeover is here, and Ohio’s women refuse to fall through the cracks. Since the 1980s, women have become increasingly fluent and pursuant in science, technology,...

event, women in business

Event Recap: Creativity – Your Company’s Greatest Asset

Are you a great photographer because you can click the button on the camera? Do you get paid each day to push the keys on your computer’s keyboard? Are you...


Event Recap: The Patient Will See You Now: How Empowered Consumers Will Transform Healthcare

Do you know what a deductible is? Do you understand co-insurance? Do you know what the difference is between in-network and out-of-network providers? These are a few of the questions...


Event Recap: Choose Me! Making a Memorable First Impression in Under a Minute

When you meet someone new, you have exactly five seconds to make a first impression. What do your words, actions, and appearance say about you and your business? What can...


Event Recap: Sales Success for Early Stage Businesses

What is the main reason early stage businesses don’t succeed? It’s not because of lack of time, effort or money. You may have a great idea that solves a problem...

event, Uncategorized

Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Event Recap: Facebook for Business – Top Tips for Success

Facebook has become more than a social media platform to stay in touch with friends and family. For businesses, it has become an effective and targeted way to engage and...


Event Recap: Profit Driven Marketing 101: Know What’s Working

Business owners who spend money on online advertising and marketing campaigns want to know if it’s working. Seeing results from their investment helps them make accurate business predictions and decisions....


Colored Innovate New Albany Logo cover

Event Recap: Grow Your Business by Networking With LinkedIn

Are you doing everything you can to maximize your presence on LinkedIn? Are you joining groups and sharing articles? Are you reaching out to your connections every day? If not,...


Event Recap: Leading Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Team to Exceptional Results

Business leaders face difficult challenges, and one that’s common to us all is lack of time. There is a constant demand for quality results, and only so much of us...


Event Recap: How to Shoot Your Business to the First Page of Google with the Shortcut of SEO Video

Businesses with a website are always looking for a way to edge out the competition in search results. During his presentation on July 24, Keith Luscher of SYP Media, LLC...
